


The Forward-looking Infrastructure Construction身上沒錢怎麼辦 Project, which was announced last week, is t合法民間借貸o focus on “green” energy, water resources, railways, digital infrastructure, and urban and rural development.

新聞來源:房屋修繕貸款2017TAIPEI TIMES

車貸沒繳完賣車The legislature’s question花旗信用卡預借現金-and-answer session ended on Tuesday and lawmakers yesterday started reading bills, with the Cabinet’s budget proposal for the infrastructure project one of the bills to be refe車貸試算程式rred to legislative committee.

DPP headquart汽車借錢設定ers later issued a statement “expressing regret” over the KMT caucus’ obstruction of the project.

KMT lawmakers, clad in caucus uniforms, obstructed 汽車借款陷阱the proceedings by occupying the legislative speaker’s podium and shouting criticism of the project, demanding that at least 10 public hearings be held before the proposal is reviewed by six of the eight legislative committees.

房屋修繕貸款土銀OBSTRUCTION: KMT lawmakers demanded that 10 public hearings be held on the ‘Forward-looking Infrastructure Construction Project,’ before it was agreed to房貸計算表 hold私人貸款最低息 six

The two caucuses agreed that six of the eight legislative committees should合法借錢管道 review the budget proposal and that six public hearings should be held.

The DPP disagreed and said that 房貸利率比較表lawmakers are only responsible for hearings held at the legislature.

房貸利率比較2017車貸條件與車貸常見問題車貸沒繳完可以賣車嗎The KMT caucus demanded that 10 public hearings be held, four in central and southern Tai汽車貸款pttwan.

A cross-caucus negotiation was called, at wh花旗小額信貸ich the ruling DPP caucus agreed to hold the public 法拍屋貸款申請hearings, but the two parties locked horns over the number of the hearings and who should preside over them.

The placards they placed on the podium read: “The real purpose of the ‘Forward-looking’ project is buying votes,” “The project emphasizes Democratic Progressive Party [DPP]-governed regions,” “Is it so easy for the government to squander nearly NT$1 trillion when the people are suffering” and “10 public hearings have to be held to break this ‘forward-looking’ black box.”

It was agreed that 房屋修繕貸款利率青年首次購屋優惠房貸2017條件青年安心成家購屋貸款>法拍屋貸款華南銀行o青年首購2017nly one public hearing should be held each day, to prevent a committee rushing through the required procedure.

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus yesterday morning occupied the legislative speaker’s podium to protest the Cabinet’s NT$880 bill青年成家貸款專案i各家銀行車貸利率比較2017on (US$29 billion) budget proposal for the “Forward-looking Infrastructure Construction Project,” calling for 10 public hearings to be held before the proposal is reviewed, which a cross-caucus negotiation in the afternoon cut to six.

“The KMT, barbaric as it might be, should not obstruct the nation’s economic development and全額貸款 the building of local infrastructure,” DPP spokesman Ruan Jhao-syong (阮昭雄) said.


By Alison Hsiao / Staff 私人貸款利率reporter



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